Monday, October 12, 2009


It's Monday...
I am so thankful for a new week and a day at home.  I love being home!  My daughter and I completed school and finished in time for the rest of the afternoon.  It is still quite hot here...I think the end of this week should bring us out of the 90's.  That would be great!  This week's activities include home school meeting on Tuesday night, which I will write about, an additional co-op activity on Wed. morning where my daughter will create a bird bath and learn about birds, and our usual park day gathering.  I am looking forward to the activities and being outside.  Unfortunately I came down with a mild cold and I'm trying to prevent my husband and daughter from catching it, always a difficult task.
During school time, do you find yourself doing house work and getting involved with other things while your children work?  I find myself doing this and I am trying to stop.  I think it is important to sit with my daughter, while she is working.  I've also used this time to read and pray while she works.  It is so easy to multitask, but at these times, I would rather sit with her.

I also wanted to share this web-site on making a relief map.  My daughter is going to be making one for Israel very shortly.  Hopefully you will find it interesting for some time now or in the future.
I will follow up with information learned at the home school meeting and a very good oatmeal raisin cookie recipe my little sister shared with me a few days ago.  They are excellent, and not high in sugar.  

Until next time, many blessings.


1 comment:

  1. Wow I really like your blog! I have a cousin who is interested in home schooling her daughter. I will pass this on too her. I saw your link on the message board. Any time I blog about a gospel/Christian artist I will let you know or vice versa. My mother is an aspiring Gospel artist, when you get a chance she is on my June list. here is my link:
