Friday, October 16, 2009

Home School Education Field Trips

It's Friday, again!  I can't believe how fast time is going by.  Someone must be speeding up the clock somewhere!  I don't ever remember time going by so fast!  I still have a cold.  Why do colds seem to be going away and then, in my case, on the 4th day, it got worse.  I cannot figure that one out.  

Anyway, we are still doing school work.  Daughter is working on Math as I am typing this.  I am thinking of baking some cookies to take with us tomorrow to the Holy Land Experience.  The weather is supposed to be cooler this weekend, so we're going to take advantage of it.

Here is some information on planning Home School Educational Field Trips.
Information is from:
When you click on the web-site there is a map of the United States and it lists places to visit in your local area.

Planning Your Visit

Prepare for a Memorable Experience

Most of the facilities listed here present visitors with a wealth of information -- much more than can be easily assimilated in one visit. Make the most of your visit by learning what you can in advance, and planning your visit accordingly. We have provided their website addresses to assist you. Additionally, on the detail page of each facility you can browse the facility's website without leaving this website.

Check Days & Hours In Advance

The days and hours of operation of these facilities are subject to change. Avoid unpleasant surprises by checking their website for current schedules before your visit!

What About Meals?

While many of the facilities have full-service cafes, many have none, and some have limited options that might not meet your dietary needs. Again, check their websites for information.

Make It Fun!

Many facilities have special exhibits or events such as family fun nights, costume days, and the like. Time your visit to take advantage of them! Check the facilities websites for more information.

Visit With Other Families

The best advice many people give us is to go with other families. For many, that seems to be fun for both adults and kids, and leads to many memorable experiences. Some facilities require minimum numbers for tours.

1 comment:

  1. I've been so enjoying reading your blog. We took your wreath idea and made it on our Thanksgiving weekend as a family craft. It was a lot of fun. I've really been enjoying homeschooling my little guy. How has it been for you homeschooling and only child? I've personally found it great, but I've heard mixed opinions from others. Thanks for posting such great suggestions and ideas! Beth in Alberta, Canada
